Speaking AI Score

2020 年 1 月 16 日PTE APEUni

Speaking AI Score


1. Apeuni’s AI scoring engine of speaking test will simulate those in the speaking sections in real tests( covering RA, RS, DI, RL and ASQ), delivering test-takers’ results according to their audio responses in terms of content, pronunciation and fluency,giving them effective suggestions for performance-promotion, pinpointing their weakness in speaking, and every time the use of this engine costs one coupon.

2. The audio recognition function will display how users have pronounced each word with an assessment of Excellent, Good or Poor,telling exactly which syllabuses have been mispronounced, and where they have had a phrasing with a mark of ‘/’for each

How to score speaking tasks


1、 Click ‘submit‘ to upload the response after recording

2. Click ‘AI Score’ to get the result.


1、 Click ‘submit‘ to upload the response after recording

2. Click ‘AI Score’ to get the result.