Select Missing Words Study Guide

2019 年 2 月 21 日PTE APEUni
STUDYGUIDE Select Missing Words
apeuni pte


Test takers will usually hear a lecture/dialogue(20s-70s)ending in a beep which blanks one or more words, before required to accordingly choose a solely correct one, suitable to take the place of the beep, from given 3 to 5 options .This question type usually consists of 1 or 2 tasks.


SMW questions account for an insignificant amount of points in the Listening Section, so they deserve a very low priority in preparation for PTE. Keep alert to the progress bar of audio playing, and when it approaches the end, memorize the last sentence with great attention, which helps to figure out what is missing in the beep.

Time Span

SMW questions account for an insignificant amount of points in the Listening Section, so finish them as quick as possible, leaving more time to more worthy WFD. If sure to answer correctly, can spend 1.5 minutes at most in each question( with audio playing combined in). If not, do not spend too much time here, just make a rough choice immediately after the audio playing and enter next task.

Practice Task

Before mock/ real tests, practice 1 whole set of questions to get familiar with them. And pay attention to time management.